Oppo is all set to launch its first fitness band today in the global as well as in the Indian market. The launch is scheduled at 8:00 PM as per Indian standard time via Amazon India. The consumers will get two color options – White and Black, however, official names of the colors are not revealed yet. It’s not the only one, the pricing and most of the specs are also kept under the curtain. You can check out the link given below to reach out to the buy page.
Link: https://amzn.to/3c8bdtv
The ultimate result of Oppo’s first attempt is equipped with a 1.1-inch AMOLED screen with touch control. The smart fitness band will be able to track 12 different workouts in total besides tracking oxygen levels in your blood (SpO2). Monitoring sleep quality will also possible through the Oppo Band Style.
There must be some other specs that the company preserves exclusively for the launch time.