Recently we have seen Oppo India was teasing the launch of the 125W Flash Charge in India. Now the company revealed that they will be launching 4 different Flash Chargers among which there will be a wireless charger as well.
- 125W Flash Charge: This is an adapter of 125W that can charge 100% of a 4,000mAh battery in just 20 minutes.
- 65W AirVOOC Wireless Charger: This is a wireless charger, it will be round in shape. This charger will be capable of charging 100% of a 4,000mAh smartphone battery in just 30 minutes.
- 50W mini SuperVOOC Charger: This is a mini charger of 50W but it is not mentioned what kind of charger it is.
- 110W mini Flash Charge: This is the mini version of the 125W Flash Charger and it will be capable of doing the same within 25 to 27 minutes.
Already OPPO holds the record of bringing in the fastest charging techniques in the form of SuperVOOC 2.0 rapid technology with 65W charging support that can charge the Oppo Reno Ace and other compatible Oppo device with 4,000mAh battery in just 30 minutes. Well, now, thanks to the tipster Ishan Agarwal who claims that the Realme’s 120W Ultra Dart charger can charge your 4,000mAh battery in just 3 minutes.