Forraying into the audio market of India, OnePlus has launched its first in-ear earphones, the OnePlus Nord Wired Earphones for ₹799. Apart from launching multiple earbuds in a short span like the Nord Buds and Nord Buds CE, the brand is focused to bring more budget-centric products under the Nord subbrand.
As expected, OnePlus has worked on improving the bass of the earphones, thanks to the 9.2mm dynamic drivers and a 0.42cc sound cavity for louder and better sound quality. Much like other earphones, you have an inline mic with button controls to control your calls, and media and also use it for your voice assistant.
Interestingly, like their OnePlus Bullets Wireless Z2 neckband, the earphones will have magnets to stick to each other for better portability and can be used for handy audio controls – clip them to pause and unclip to play, similar functionalities on neckbands you notice.
In terms of design, OnePlus rightfully says the design is made inspired by the Bullets Wireless Z neckband with a classic black finish and red accents for a signature OnePlus branding. Yes, it is based on a 3.5mm audio jack, which is rare these days on OnePlus phones, even on budget options but as OnePlus says it will be useful to connect to your laptops and on a few of the Nord phones which do still retain a 3.5mm headphone jack.
Being based on the highest-selling OnePlus Bullets Wireless Z2 neckband, this Nord Wired Earphones should be comfortable yet again, helping you listen to music endlessly without any issues. Thanks to a rounded and ergonomic design the fit should be comfortable, and OnePlus will provide you with three interchangeable silicon tips with the earphones.
The sale of this OnePlus Nord Wired Earphones will start on 1st September for ₹799 both on Amazon India: and OnePlus India online store: