OnePlus is holding a launch event on April 14 where they have confirmed to launch the OnePlu s 8 series. Including the smartphone series, the company has scheduled the launch of a wireless charging tech and yesterday they have confirmed that they will launch a wireless headset in the same event. The new wireless headset is named Bullets Wireless according to the news shared by OnePlus in their Twitter account.
The post says that “Charge for 10 minutes, enjoy for 10 hours.” This means that the new headset will feature fast charging and long battery life. The previous wireless Bullets also used to charge at the same speed so this hasn’t changed in this version. According to reports, this version will feature a new design and longer battery life. The tweet avoids calling the new model by name, which is alleged “Bullets Wireless Z”, matching the name of the probably-delayed OnePlus Z (OnePlus Lite).
OnePlus has not shown any official images of the headset but @evleaks has helped everyone with some images. Here you can see how the headphone will look in real life. The colours available for the headset are – Blue, Black, Oat, and Mint.
These headsets will be launched with the OnePlus 8 series on April 14.