On December 12th, OnePlus is scheduled to introduce two new monitors in India. With the new products, the company will be able to provide more products. The two brand-new monitors have screens of 24 inches and 27 inches, respectively. A significant feature of the future monitors was now made public by OnePlus. Whether the capability will be offered on both the X 27 and E 24 models, however, is still up in the air.
OnePlus monitors Details
A 165Hz refresh rate will undoubtedly be seen in the newest OnePlus monitors. Better animations and a more engaging watching experience would emerge from this. Smooth gameplay is ensured by the device’s 1ms response time.
The AMD Freesync Premium technology, which can eliminate stuttering and screen tearing in games and videos by coupling a display’s refresh rate to the graphics card’s frame rate, is also confirmed to be included in the OnePlus monitors.
The X 27 monitor will be a premium offering, while the E 24 will be a mid-range offering, according to information provided by OnePlus. In terms of performance and display, the former is superior and great for both work projects and gaming. For general daily use, the E 24 is said to offer excellent features at a reasonable price. A sleek premium stand and minimal bezels across the display were depicted in earlier teasers for the OnePlus monitors.
In the days leading up to the launch event, OnePlus will divulge more details about the X 27 and E 24 monitors. OnePlus is also introducing the 55-inch version of the TV Y1S Pro in addition to the monitors.