OnePlus, the renowned global tech brand, has recently launched a heartfelt festive initiative named #OneCelebration, aimed at bringing together its community. The campaign was designed as a touching homage to the essence of life, the bonds of family, and the importance of staying connected.
The response to the campaign has been overwhelmingly positive, with it amassing an impressive 45 million views across various platforms. The videos also reached a staggering 88 million people, with an impressive view rate of approximately 55%.
OnePlus’s latest campaign, #OneCelebration crosses a whopping 45 million views across platforms
The OnePlus team conceived and executed the campaign in-house. Aneesh Malankar directed it, and Supari Studios produced it. The campaign comprises emotionally charged videos and visual content. The first video features a mother surprised by her children on the eve of Diwali after a long separation. The second video portrays a sister finally reunited with her brother to celebrate together, overcoming geographical distances. In both videos, the characters receive the OnePlus 11 and Nord 3, respectively, creating lasting memories through the power of OnePlus technology. Despite having prized OnePlus products, their shared experiences are the most valuable.
Speaking about the #OneCelebration marketing campaign, Ishita Grover, Director of Marketing at OnePlus India, shared, “At OnePlus, we acknowledge the profound impact that technology can have on our lives, especially in strengthening our bonds with loved ones. Our latest campaign, #OneCelebration, is a tribute to the enduring spirit of life and the invaluable role our products play in enhancing moments of connection and celebration.”
The campaign highlights how OnePlus‘ suite of products continues to bring light and create warm memories in every home where they arrive. While the products paved the way for many remarkable moments this Diwali, the celebration for our community and their loved ones remained unified.
As part of the campaign, the smartphone giant also partnered with Snapchat to introduce the unique Portal Lens for the first time in India, using Augmented Reality (AR). This feature connected with young, mobile-savvy Indians living away from home during the festive season, allowing them to use the AR portal lens for a more personalized and heartfelt Diwali celebration. Users could express themselves through virtual festive decorations, illuminated lamps, virtual fireworks, and the comforting warmth of the festival. The AR lens activity also achieved an impressive 28 million views, performing incredibly well in terms of share rate, save rate, and average camera play time.
The #OneCelebration campaign videos have been available across various platforms, including YouTube, Instagram, and X, previously known as Twitter.
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