OnePlus has launched the OnePlus 10 Pro smartphone along with the new OnePlus Bullets Wireless Z2 and Buds Pro Radiant Silver edition on the 31st March launch event. Among these three, the new OnePlus Bullets Wireless Z2 is coming on sale today via OnePlus’ official website and other e-commerce platforms, such as Flipkart and Amazon India. There are two colour options available – Magico Black and Beam Blue. Each of these costs just Rs.1,999 only. The sale will start at 12:00 PM IST. You can refer to the below link to purchase one.
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OnePlus Bullets Wireless Z2 Features
The OnePlus Bullets Wireless Z2 is carrying a 12.4mm dynamic audio driver that works with the anti-distortion audio technology to provide the smoothest ever audio listening experience with each beat of your favourite track. The AI Noise Cancellation is also added to improve your calling experience.
The new wireless neckband can play for up to 30 hours as per the company claim. And for rush the rush hours, the Fast Charging Tech is also embedded, which allows around 20 hours of playtime against just 10 minutes of charging.
Alongside all the mentioned features, the OnePlus Bullets Wireless Z2 supports Fast pairing and comes with IP55 water and sweat resistance.
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