OnePlus had launched the OnePlus Band earlier this year. Now, according to a new leak by industry insider Ishan Agarwal and the folks over at PriceBaba, the company seems to be working on a special version of the fitness tracker, named OnePlus Band Steven Harrington Edition. This leak also reveals the renders of the OnePlus Band Steven Harrington Edition, giving us a glimpse at its design.
This variant has a specially designed wristband and a watch face. To recall, the company had launched Steven Harington Edition of the OnePlus Buds as well. Speaking of which, OnePlus has revealed some new information regarding its upcoming TWS earphones, the OnePlus Buds Pro. Let’s take a look at the OnePlus Band Steven Harrington Edition design renders, specs, and other details.
OnePlus Band Steven Harrington specs and details
The PriceBaba report reveals that the Band will have a dual-tone shade of purple and mint-green. It features a different set of sketches compared to the ones on the OnePlus Buds Z. In addition to this, it will also come with custom watch faces featuring Harrington’s art.
The smart band has a 1.1-inch AMOLED display with a screen resolution of 126 x 294 pixels. It comes with a 24/7 heart-rate sensor and SpO2 blood oxygen sensor. The fitness band comes with sleep tracking as well. The fitness band comes with 13 dedicated exercise modes including Outdoor Run, Indoor Run, Fat Burn Run, Outdoor Walk, Outdoor Cycling, Indoor Cycling, Elliptical Trainer, Rowing Machine, Cricket, Badminton, Pool Swimming, Yoga, and Free Training. It can be paired with the OnePlus’ Health app to check more detailed health stats.
The wearable comes with a 5ATM and IP68 rating for water and dust resistance. In terms of battery, the OnePlus Band comes with a 100 mAh battery that can last up to 14 days. Moving on, it also supports features like music, camera shutter controls, call and message notifications. It comes with Bluetooth 5.0 connectivity option.
The limited-edition band could launch at a higher price compared to the standard OnePlus Band’s Rs 2,499 price tag.
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