OnePlus has launched its new flagship smartphones in India – OnePlus 13 and OnePlus 13R- and has succeeded the previously launched OnePlus 12 alongside the 12R. The new phones come with some significant upgrades, including support for the 5.5G network, developed in partnership with telecom provider Jio. This Indian territory-exclusive network offers a better connectivity experience.
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OnePlus 13 Series Introduces Jio’s 5.5G Network in India with Enhanced Speed and Connectivity
The OnePlus 13 and the 13R became the first smartphones in India to have Jio’s 5.5G network capability (which is also called 5G-Advanced). This technology builds on the existing 5G infrastructure and allows the phones to connect to three network cells at the same time, even across different towers, achieving much faster speeds. According to OnePlus, the average speeds of the 5.5G network are 380% faster. The downlink speed was 1,023.24 Mbps on the Jio 5G-Advanced network compared to 277.8 Mbps on the standard 5G Non-3CC network during a live demonstration.
OnePlus has tested the network even in extreme environments, such as underground parking lots, elevators, and crowded cricket stadiums, to ensure reliable performance. The results demonstrated better call stability compared to rival devices. For example, underground calls were found to be 22% more stable on the OnePlus 13 series than on “Pro Max” devices and 30% more stable than “flagship Ultra” devices.
Similarly, WhatsApp calls in elevators were 20% more stable than on “Pro Max” devices and 47% more stable than on “flagship Ultra” models. In cricket stadiums, the stability of WhatsApp calls improved by 75% compared to “Pro Max” and 66% over “Flagship Ultra.”
The 5.5G network represents the next step in 5G evolution, promising enhanced speeds, expanded connectivity, lower latency, and advanced intelligence. Its development follows standards set in Release 18, which builds on prior releases. Globally, operators have achieved speeds of up to 10 Gbps during 5.5G trials. In India, companies like Airtel and Nokia are already working on deploying 5G-advanced infrastructure to pave the way for widespread adoption.
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What is the new 5.5G network on the OnePlus 13?
It is an upgraded version of 5G, offering faster speeds and improved connectivity.
When will the OnePlus 13 be available in India?
The 13 series by OnePlus will be available starting January 10.