OnePlus will be launching the OnePlus 10R later this year and as per the latest rumors, this device will officially release in May. The OnePlus 9R and 9RT‘s successor will be the OnePlus 10R but as per a new rumor, the 10R will be different from the above-mentioned devices in multiple ways.
The iconic OnePlus slider will be missing from the phone, in the past all the OnePlus devices had this feature, the more recent OnePlus phones are launching without this feature, especially the non-flagship ones. The OnePlus 10R will be no exception.
The OnePlus 10R is said to feature a centered punch-hole camera on the front while the other R Series devices had a camera in the left part of the screen. The OnePlus 10R is said to be codenamed ‘Pickle’ and it could be a rebranded version of the Realme GT Neo3.
The OnePlus 10R is expected to arrive with a 120Hz display and will be powered by the MediaTek Dimensity 9000 chip or the 8100 chip if it is indeed a rebranded version of the GT Neo3. It could also carry support for 80W fast charging.
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