Apart from Intel’s CPU launch, graphics giant NVIDIA also launched its new RTX Super mobile CPUs for gaming laptops. They’ve announced the portable versions of its GeForce RTX 2080 Super and RTX 2070 Super graphics cards with Max-Q design alongside the new GeForce GTX 1650 Ti, a GDDR6 refresh of the existing GTX 1650.
Many OEMs have introduced their laptops with the latest 10th Gen Intel Comet Lake-H gaming CPUs and the new NVIDIA RTX Super GPUs.
These GPUs are also based on NVIDIA’s Turing architecture along with other improvements across the board changes including a new Dynamic Boost feature, use of low-voltage GDDR6 memory, improvements to Optimus, improvements to the regulator efficiency, and DLSS 2.0.
Talking of the hardware specs, the RTX 2080 Super Max-Q features 3,072 CUDA cores with up to 8GB GDDR6 memory with boost clock speeds up to 1560MHz, and up to 448GBps bandwidth. On the other hand, the RTX 20270 Super sports 2,560 CUDA cores and boost clock speeds up to 1,380 MHz.
With the Max-Q Dynamic Boost both the CPU and GPU can now share the available thermal and power headroom depending on the workload. This allows for up to 15W TDP shifts, it is up to the OEM to configure that in 5W increments and can be useful with low TDP CPUs like Ryzen 9 4900HS.
NVIDIA has also made improvements to the Optimus feature, and the company calls this an Advanced Optimus and claims much-improved battery life and performance improvements. The Optimus feature now allows for G-Sync displays and refresh rates up to 120 Hz at 4K with minimal latency.Â
Also these GPUs will be able to use the Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS) 2.0 which offers much improved image quality with choice of rendering detail, a 2x faster AI network, improved scaling across all resolutions, and a game-agnostic training network.
NVIDIA has also tried to convey that the RTX Studio-powered laptops are now more powerful options for creatives than the MacBook Pro.Â
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Ti
This new GPU looks like a purely mobile GPU as for now but soon desktop counterparts will also be seen from OEMs. The GTX 1650 Ti is intended for mid-range gaming notebooks and is quite similar to the original GTX 1650, also based on the same TU117 die.
The GTX 1650 Ti features 1,024 CUDA Cores and a slightly higher TDP up to 55W, however, there might be a variant that can be configured up to 80W TDP. This new GPU will be replacing all the laptops previously powered by its predecessor GTX 1650.
According to NVIDIA’s GeForce lineup, the company isn’t focusing on the RTX 2080 non-Super and we see that both the regular RTX 2060 and RTX 2070 will be used on laptops over $999 price range. While the RTX 2070 Super and RTX 2080 Super will be replacing its predecessors and will be featured on high-end gaming laptops, all of these RTX GPUs will have Max-Q designs.
In between the $699 and $999 budget range, NVIDIA will offer its GTX 16 series GPUs, namely the GTX 1660 Ti, GTX 1650 Ti and GTX 1650 GPUs. Another notable thing is that previous laptops featuring GTX 1660 Ti will be replaced by the RTX 2060 that suggests NVIDIA is taking price cuts and being more aggressive this time.
Major OEMs including Acer, Asus, Gigabyte, Razer, and more will be shipping gaming laptops powered by the RTX 20 Super mobile GPUs in the next few weeks, and more devices featuring these GPUs will be seen in the coming months as well.
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