Nokia has launched two new smart TVs in India, the company has launched the Nokia Ultra HD 4K LED Smart Android TV and Nokia Ultra HD 4K QLED Smart Android TV. Both the models come in a 50″ and 55″ screen configuration and feature JBL Speakers powered by Harman AudioEFX.
The point of difference between the two Nokia TVs is that one offers an OLED screen, while the other comes with a QLED display. The refresh rate is 60Hz for both the TVs and they also have the same aspect ratio at 16:9.
The new Nokia Smart TVs have dual speakers with an output of 60W. The TVs also have Dolby Atmos Surround Sound feature and support for MP3, WMA M4A, AAC, and MP2 audio formats.
The TVs are powered by a 1.1GHz Realtek quad-core processor and run on Android 11 OS. Each TV packs 2GB RAM and has an internal storage capacity of 16GB.
Other features include Google Assitant, Chromecast built-in, and Google Home-Support. The TVs are compatible with Gamepad as well.
Coming to connectivity, the Nokia smart TVs offer 3 HDMI ports, 2 USB ports, and a headphone jack along with an analog audio input.
Coming to the pricing, the Nokia Ultra 4K LED Smart Android TV is priced at 44,999 INR for the 50″ screen model whereas the 55″ display variant is priced at 49,999.
Similarly, the Nokia Ultra HD 4K QLED Smart Android TV will cost 49,999 INR for the 50″ model whereas the 55″ variant can be purchased at 54,999 INR. The QLED models of the TVs are priced at 49,999 INR and 54,999 INR respectively. The Smart TVs are available on
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