The highly anticipated Noise HRX Sprint smartwatch is coming for sale on Amazon India, featuring Bluetooth calling technology and a sleek design. After weeks of speculation and anticipation, Noise has finally announced the launch date and pricing for their newest addition to the smartwatch market. The HRX Sprint will officially launch on April 5th at 12 PM, priced at an attractive Rs.1,999. With five colour options including Jet Black, Vintage Brown, Active Black, Active Blue, and Active Grey, the Noise HRX Sprint is a stylish and functional choice for consumers seeking a reliable Bluetooth smartwatch. To purchase the Noise HRX Sprint, you can simply follow the link provided down below.
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Noise HRX Sprint Smartwatch: Features
The Noise HRX Sprint smartwatch is the device to help you achieve your best self, with its stunning 1.91-inch display featuring thinner bezels that provide more screen space. With an extensive collection of over 150 watch faces, you can personalize your wearable to match your style every day.
Stay connected even while on-the-go with the Bluetooth Calling feature, allowing you to effortlessly access your recent call logs right from your wrist. The HRX Sprint smartwatch also boasts a built-in speaker, microphone, dialer pad, and contact memory.
The Noise HRX Sprint smartwatch is equipped with more than 100 sports modes and real-time health trackers such as heart rate monitoring, SpO2 tracking, sleep tracking, and breathing exercises to help you reach your fitness goals. The NoiseFit app makes it easy to manage and track all your activity reports.
Additionally, the Noise HRX Sprint smartwatch offers an impressive battery life of up to 7 days on a single charge and up to 2 days with Bluetooth Calling enabled. With many additional features like setting up QA for UPI payments, a built-in game, and voice assistant support, the HRX Sprint is a must-have Bluetooth Calling smartwatch.
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