Under Rs.5,000 segment is the most competitive one for smartwatch makers, at least in India, and Noise is one of the leaders here. The Noise ColorFit Ultra, from its portfolio, is a part of this Amazon Great Indian Festival Sale with a massive price cut. On regular days, this smartwatch costs Rs.4,999. But thanks to this festival sale, we will get a chance to order it at just Rs.2,999. Yes, there is Rs.2,000 off during the sale period. It has three colour options – Space Blue, Cloud Gray, and Gun Metal Grey.
Link: https://amzn.to/3DcpOjF
Specification :-
The Noise ColorFit Ultra have a 1.75″ HD touch-enabled display output. It’s a TruView display and has 320×385 pixels of resolution. The screen is 78% brighter than ColorFit Pro 2, India’s largest selling smartwatch (as per Noise’s claim). The display is held securely by an aluminium alloy body. Noise provides over 100 watch faces with customisable options and swappable straps so that this wearable can blend with your styling every time.
The ColorFit Ultra is a smartwatch, right. So, it should have some activity and health trackers. Let you know; it can monitor and track the Oxygen saturation level in your blood. Alongside that, you will get 24×7 heart rate monitoring, stress monitoring, REM & sleep monitoring. For women, there is a menstrual cycle tracker too.
This smartwatch also gives you access to 60 different sports modes. The list includes indoor cricket, baseball, basketball, badminton, ballet, Zumba, yoga, and more.
Now, time for the battery life. As per Noise’s claim, the ColorFit Ultra can be your activity partner for up to 9 days long.
Apart from the display, sensors, trackers, and battery life, there are some more details.
- The product has an official IP68 rating
- It allows you to respond to your calls and SMS from your wrist
- Via OTA updates, the company will also enable notifications for Stock market updates