In the first week of July, Noise launched ColorFit Qube smartwatch in the Indian market via Flipkart. Side by side, this company also listed ColorFit Ultra on Amazon India. All the specifications and the launch date are out now; only the pricing is left. As Amazon India schedules the Prime Day sale, Noise is again ready to extend the ColorFit lineup even more. And it is the Prime Day special launch. The new member is ColorFit Pulse. You probably know the Amazon Prime sale is on 26th and 27th July. So, the ColorFit Pulse will come to the market on the same day, i.e. 26th July. The pricing and colour variants are still under the curtail.
Set Launch Reminder:
Specifications :-
Noise is offering a 1.4″ touch-enabled HD display with a resolution of 240×240 pixels. It ensures you will get enough space to slide your finger and navigate the contents. Swappable silicon straps give you the freedom to use a smartwatch that goes with your every style on every occasion. Along with that, the customizable and colour based watch faces are a bonus. On rainy days or in the pool, the ColorFit Pulse can also be with you. Thanks to the IP68 waterproofing.
You can track and monitor the Oxygen saturation level in your blood and also the heart rate, along with sleep and walk. ColorFit Pulse provides you access to multiple sports modes. Though the number and which modes are there are not mentioned.
Lastly, this wearable will help you stay up to date (just like we, TechnoSports, keep you updated with the latest sports and tech news) and active with a list of things for up to 10 days long. The list includes weather forecast, call rejection, quick replies, alarm, find my phone, timer, stopwatch, calendar reminder, DND, and many more.
So, get ready for the Prime Day sale and set the launch reminder now.
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