A new video has emerged, providing an in-depth look at the alleged form factor and screen of the upcoming Nintendo Switch 2. In the latest footage, YouTuber SwitchUp takes a close-up look at an incredibly detailed 3D-printed mock-up of the console, which a Chinese case manufacturer sent to them. This points to those accessories being designed with the new system in mind. In the video, SwitchUp compares the mock-up and Joy-Con controllers with the current Nintendo Switch OLED model, highlighting key differences in design, screen size, and overall feel.
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Nintendo Switch 2 Design, Screen, and Joy-Con Controllers Revealed in Detailed 3D Mock-Up Video
As the Nintendo Switch 2 still hasn’t been officially revealed yet, it does contain a lot of information on what we can expect from it seeing that there’s a whole video and published mock-up to view. This isn’t the first 3D-printed model that’s been revealed, and from past leaks, we have some understanding of what the console will do. Arguably the biggest information from the document is the inclusion of the potent NVIDIA Tegra T239 chip, which is anticipated to be the chip a part of the system.
The chip should also deliver better graphics performance and support for new technologies, including NVIDIA’s DLSS (Deep Learning Super Sampling) which will presumably be used to improve visual quality in games. However, reports have indicated that the Nintendo Switch 2 will not support 4K rendering natively, it will only target 1080p native in demanding titles. Besides the new chip, the Switch 2 should offer a number of design improvements such as a bigger screen and possibly better Joy-Con controllers.
Most of the details about this system have either leaked or speculated, but no official details are still available. While fans are excited about these features, it will be interesting to see how Nintendo weaves the leaked technologies into the system’s final product. Without an official release date, however, Nintendo Switch fans are left to speculate on the new system. Keep checking in here for updates, because I’m sure we’ll hear a lot more about the Nintendo Switch 2 in the very near future.
When will the Nintendo Switch 2 be officially released?
The official release date is not confirmed yet, but leaks suggest a possible announcement in 2025.
Will the Nintendo Switch 2 support 4K resolution?
The Switch 2 is expected to have a native 1080p display, with NVIDIA DLSS to enhance performance, but it may not target 4K in all games.