BCCI and MPL Sports launched the official Team India T20I jersey on Sunday. For the first time in Indian cricket history, the jersey was unveiled not by the national team, but by the Mumbai Under-19 women’s cricket players along with some of the “superfans” of the game
India, September 22, 2022: MPL Sports, the official kit sponsor of the Indian cricket team, today launched a new campaign called #HarFanKiJersey as a tribute to the undying spirit of fans of the game. The campaign revolves around the official Team India T20 International jersey which was unveiled on Sunday by the Mumbai Under-19 women’s cricket team and a subsection of “superfans” at the biggest 3D hologram event in India.
The highlight of the film is that it showcases both women and men from the Indian national cricket team who share screen space with fans from across the country, emphasizing the message that cricket knows no boundaries—the game is inclusive in nature and has fans of all genders, age groups and social strata.
Cricket stars like Harmanpreet Kaur, Shafali Verma, Renuka Singh, Rohit Sharma, Hardik Pandya, Shreyas Iyer and Suryakumar Yadav feature in the film alongside a diverse group of fans, young and old. The film is a series of fast-paced cuts of cricketers, blending together in an ode to fans. “Main tere liye, toofan ka rukh tak mod doon,” says Shafali, while Harmanpreet professes, “Tere liye ched doon jung.”
#HarFanKiJersey: Harmanpreet Kaur, Rohit Sharma & team star alongside fans in a new ad by MPL Sports for the official Team India T20I jersey
Painting the town blue with a first-of-its-kind 3D hologram launch
On Sunday, Sep 18th, Mumbaikars were in for a special treat as a majestic 30 feet tall and 40 feet wide 3D hologram portrayed the new jersey in all its glory.
Set against the backdrop of the Mumbai skyline and the expanse of the Arabian sea, it featured a mesmerizing mélange of colors to tell the story behind the design of the new One Blue jersey. The petals found in the BCCI’s insignia blended with a pattern of equilateral triangles to bring to life the jersey that Team India will wear for their T20 International competitions. The live event ended with names of superfans, most of whom were in attendance at the event, projected over the sea.
This hologram projection was the first and biggest of its kind for the Indian jersey. An event of a similar nature took place in 2016 when Canterbury unveiled the new British & Irish Lions kit using a hologram over the London skyline. A year earlier, Premier League side Arsenal FC launched their new kit with a water projection over the River Thames.