Motorola is all set to launch a new tablet, the Moto Tab G20, in India on September 30, a Flipkart microsite has confirmed. The e-commerce giant has also listed some of the key specifications and features of the device. Tips and leaks about the tablet’s launch date have been coming in for a while now. While the pricing of the device hasn’t been revealed yet, the specifications suggest that it should be priced in the budget range and will take on similar offerings from Samsung. So let’s have a look at all the details
Moto Tab G20 Specs(Expected)
Speaking of the specs, the Moto G20 Tablet runs on the MediaTek Helio P22T chipset and has an 8-inch HD display. There’s 3GB of RAM onboard and 32GB or 64GB storage options. The device will be powered by a 5100 mAh battery with 10W Charging.
The Moto Tab G20 will feature a conventional rectangular screen with thick bezels on the top and bottom and a metal body. The tablet will bear an 8.0-inch HD+ (1280×800 pixels) IPS display with 350-nits of brightness as well as TDDI technology which is said to provide clear and crisp visuals. It will likely be offered in a single gold color option.
Other than that, the Moto G20 Tablet will also have a 5MP camera on the back and a 2MP camera on the front. It will have Android 11 out of the box and will have a 3.5 mm audio jack, front mounted speakers and Dolby Atmos audio optimisation. For connectivity, the device will offer support for dual-band Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 5.0, a headphone jack, and a Type-C or micro-USB port.