Moon Digital Launches Poster for their Upcoming Movie – KA CAFÉ. The Filmmaker and Music Composer from (Tamil Nadu – Puducherry) Hemanandh. V of Moon Digital (New Delhi) and Meshach Nongsteng of Audiotech (Shillong) have come up with a film based on young entrepreneurs. The story and concept are convinced by Hemanandh. V and the direction are taken care of by Meshach Nongsteng. Ashish Saxena has written it by keeping the vision alive.
Moon Digital Launches Poster for their Upcoming Movie – KA CAFÉ
The film is going to be shot in Shillong, Meghalaya, New Delhi, and Chennai with the essence of untouchable emotions of entrepreneurs from the North-Eastern states of India from June 2022 onwards. It is going to be there in five Indian languages viz. Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam & Khasi followed by one international language i.e., French.
The post-production is taken care of by Moon Digital, New Delhi, and Chennai. The film branding and marketing support are taken care of by Sakshar Media, one of the leading companies which provide film marketing and distribution services to the industry.
The film will feature Hemanandh. V, Cathleen Maya Laloo, Svetlana, Ashish Saxena, Anurag Jain, Avinash Baisoya, Gaurav Sethi, Diggaj Dharm, Karan Galhotra, and others.
• Director: Meshach Nongsteng
• Story & Music Direction: Hemanandh. V
• Writer & Co-Director: Ashish Saxena
• DOP: Srinath Pitchai
• Executive Producers: Diggaj Dharm and Umesh Umang
• Producers: Naresh Kumar Sirpaul, Hemanandh. V & Meshach Nongsteng
• Production House: Moon Digital, New Delhi & Audiotech, Shillong
Read- KGF Chapter 2 is all set to release on Amazon Prime Video