The Xiaomi 12 will be unveiled later this month, on the 28th of December in all likelihood. The device will also bring the new MIUI 13 along with it. The logo for the new OS version has been leaked through Xiaomi’s Feedback app and continues the geometric design trend of Version 12.
This was noted by the team at Xiaomi UI, who found more details about the upcoming update, including videos that show off some brand new features, also discovered in Xiaomi apps that were updated in preparation for the announcement.
The first couple of videos are about the home screen, the new Infinity Scroll feature loops the home screen panes, that is when you get to the last one, the next swipe takes you back to the first pane.
Also, small widgets are now available. They were introduced in the MIUI 12.5 beta, but have not been enabled in a stable release yet. Take a look at them below:
Coming to updates on existing features, the Video Toolbox which was later renamed to the Smart Toolbox is now called “Sidebar”. This is what the Sidebar will look like on MIUI 13:
Xiaomi has been doing some rebranding this year, updating its logo, and dropping the “Mi” from the name of its premium phones, MIUI 13 will complete the company’s new look.
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