Xiaomi revealed its MIUI 11 last year. As per the expectations, they keep releasing updates regularly. At the last month’s end, a post of MIUI Community revealed that Xiaomi officially halted the beta developers of MIUI 11. Logically, this may happen only if the company shifts its focus somewhere else. The new focus could be MIUI 12. Though Xiaomi didn’t announce anything about it.
In the Chinese MIUI Community, Xiaomi frequently uploads beta versions of its apps. A few days back, a MiSetteing APK was uploaded in the forum. XDA Developers stated, “the new MiSettings app had a bunch of new Settings pages that looked radically different from their counterparts in older versions of the app.” All the community members suspected these changes we may get in the upcoming MIUI 12 release. This doubt increases when Xiaomi removed the new pages in the next beta releases.
Coming to the new pages of MiSettings APK. The most noticeable one is the Refresh Rate menu in the Display section. Two options are there i.e. 60 Hz and 120 Hz. The guideline below to the option says choose 60 HZ to saves battery consumption and 120 Hz if better picture quality needed.
In the Screen Time option, the weekly representation style is changed. The individual App usage time display made more prominent.