Much like Sony, Microsoft will also be refreshing its consoles launched the year with some design or performance improvements. Moore’s Law is Dead (MLID) in the video said Microsoft is all set to revamp its consoles starting late next year.
We know AMD will make a Zen 3 refresh soon based on the 6nm process next year for both desktops and mobiles, also it seems AMD will make custom chips based on the same process for consoles as well. So, according to MLID, a refresh of Xbox Series S that would eventually receive higher-spec AMD Zen APU based on 6nm process technology is on cards for Microsoft.
It is rumoured that Microsoft could be enabling full 24 Compute Units from its Xbox Series S APU although in the current one Microsoft has used 20 Compute Units, disabling 4 of them. Now, the next-gen improved Series S could even be 50% faster as per the YouTuber, with more Compute Units and possibly higher clock speeds.
MLID even expects the improved Xbox Series S should cost close to 350 USD, $50 more which seems a fair trade-off for some extra performance. Now, another interesting rumour says Microsoft would be making a price cut on the current 2020 model by lowering the price to 189-249 USD, which should be welcome for gamers.
So, this means next year Microsoft will be selling two Xbox Series S models most probably as per rumours. The refreshed console would still use Zen2 rather than a Zen3 architecture, however, here we will see a refreshed Zen 3 based on the new 6nm process codenamed Rembrandt.
MLID even claims that there will be a refresh of the flagship Xbox Series X console coming in 2023 or later, which could fall in line with the upcoming PlayStation 5 Pro console. Also if we go by rumours Sony is also planning to refresh the current Playstation 5 with the same 6nm based Zen 3 refreshed chips sometime next year.
via Videocardz