Micromax, one of the Indian mobile company, was started teasing, since June, regarding its ongoing project and say that would a big one. The brand also responds, on Twitter, to some of the users writing “A device with premium features, thoroughly modern look and budget friendly, how does that sound?🙂 Stay tuned.”
Micromax was expected to launch its new smartphone/s by now, but the productions are delayed due to the pandemic. Though the co-founder Rahul Sharma said to ET in an interview that they will come back to the market soon and Tweeted a teaser regarding this on 15th August. The company is also going to take advantage of the Indian government’s PLI scheme.
The PLI scheme or Production Linked Incentive Scheme offers cash-based incentives, to the manufacturers, on sale of the devices produced in local. Micromax is planning to take full advantage of it to boost its market against the other popular smartphone makers.
Reports, in the market, are saying new Micromax smartphone/s will come by next month and MediaTek SoCs will be assigned to power those. Not only that but the price will also not be more than Rs.15,000. The latest Android version and regular software update promise are also attached to all these.
If all the expectations come true, the Micromax may acquire a good quantity of the budget smartphone market again in our country.
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