According to a June report, Indian smartphone manufacturers such as Micromax, Karbon, and Lava are plotting a comeback in India. Lava is already operating, and the company plans to launch its newest smartphone, the Lava Blaze Pro 5G, in the country by the end of this month. The Lava Agni 2 5G, which debuted for Rs 19,999, was highly received by both critics and users. According to a report from TheMobileIndian, Micromax is contemplating a second comeback in India.
Micromax, as previously said, returned to the Indian smartphone market in 2020 and produced a couple of devices. However, the brand has been dormant since the launch of the Micromax In 2c in April 2022.
According to the current claim, the smartphone manufacturer is working on a mid-range phone that would cost around Rs 15,000 ($180). The device’s characteristics are unknown at this time, however the newspaper claims that it will be fitted with a MediaTek chip.
Micromax has apparently been in talks with MediaTek and Qualcomm for several months about acquiring a CPU to power its upcoming smartphone. The Qualcomm agreement, however, encountered a snag because to concerns expressed about Micromax’s history of payment delays.
According to the publication’s sources, the brand had planned to release a smartphone in December of this year. However, because it has not yet ordered the chipset, it appears that the company’s comeback handset will be released in February or March. The reason for the postponement is Chinese New Year, which falls on February 10 next year.
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