In late December 2020, Xiaomi had announced its MIUI 12.5 at the Mi 11 launch event. After that, the company has been rolling out the 12.5 updates for the eligible devices. During this rollout time, Xiaomi has not confirmed anything whether the older devices will get the updates. But in the case of comparatively newer ones, those devices got that update in time. Now, it has been almost six months since the rollout has begun and a huge number of devices have already received the MIUI 12.5 update. In the meantime, a company executive of Xiaomi has mentioned an older flagship smartphone that will receive the 12.5 updates in the upcoming days.
Another report says that Zhang Guoquan, Director of Xiaomi Mobile System Software had mentioned that Mi 8 will get the MIUI 12.5 update. So, we can be almost confirmed that Xiaomi will roll out the MIUI 12.5 update for the Mi 8 smartphone in the coming days. Along with the Mi 8, Mi 8 Explorer Edition will also get an update very soon.
However, it is also said that the Mi devices which are powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 chipset will get the MIUI 12.5 update. With this report, we can say that Mi 8, Mi 8 Explorer Edition (aka Mi 8 Pro), and Mi MIX 2S will be having the 12.5 updates very soon. With this chipset calculation, the Poco F1 should get that update as well. But we haven’t got any report regarding this. Along with the mentioned devices, one more smartphone can get the MIUI 12.5 update, named Mi MIX 3. But the device is powered by the SD 855 chipset. So, we are not that sure as of now but expected to receive the update from the device.
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