Netflix has unlocked the trailer of the intriguing Turkish drama man on Pause for the platform. This two-minute-long official clip has featured a middle-aged protagonist Yusuf who has decided to update such things for the better. There is the off-beat comedy that has featured many Turkish actors playing such titular roles ad has promised to become a binge-worthy watch.
The new trailer has begun with a monologue from Yusuf, the main character of the series. He has revealed a man in his late fifties who has been described as the largest enemy. We can see such a glimpse of his hair on the side. There is a sudden shift in the scene where Yusuf is searching himself in the mirror.
At last, Yusuf has revealed the name of his biggest enemy as his time itself. There are visuals of him diving into a Vespa-like vehicle that happens in the background.
The time while a female character has taken the center stage begins a conversation with Yusuf. These things can be interpreted with the character of Yusif’s wife who has been sacred of some terrible things. The new trailer has shifted their reasoning of Yusuf as to how he came by his decision. Now the protagonist follows a spree of dialogues and is set to explain that something has always held back him in his life. We will see his wife will address him as a coward and states that “He’d have a heart attack”. In this Yusif agrees, and also responds that she may know him better.
After the exchange to and from the conversation, the trailer also unveils several montages of revelation. The story has followed by Yusuf and his execution of the grand plan.
We have spared the details in the short clip, we can able to see Yusuf’s friend giving advice not to take the risky road. The air mystery depends and more characters getting introduced as it contains Yusif’s children and family friends.
There are a lot of scenes that have indicated whatever Yusuf is up to set to invite big trouble. We have seen one of his family friends takes his side. There are the other certifies along with him for someone else.
In this trailer, the big reveal while there is a mention of a dead body. There are terms such as Bravery, vicious cycle, and death that flow around along with rapidly changing those scenes. Yusuf is also alive and so are his hidden ventures. The trailer concludes with Yusif admitting that upcoming trouble with his completer blonde hair.
Man of Pause: Release Date
The Turkish comedy-drama series has set to stream from 7th October 2022 only on Netflix.
Here is the trailer:
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