Amazon Prime Video has dropped the trailer of Malik. This film features Fahadh Faasil, who has played the role of Sulaiman Malik, who is known as a revolutionary leader in the coastal village. It is an upcoming Malayalam thriller film. The trailer depicts the uprising of the Sulaiman Malik, who is fighting against their land acquisition in the coastal area.
The film is completely based on crime, politics, and also power. The story of Malik becomes in the span of two weeks like it cuts back and forth into the past and in the present. We will see the entire story begin from childhood to middle age, where he rises to prominence in the village. The makers of the film have decided to direct OTT release for the current pandemic situation. Fahadh Faasil has currently requested everyone to accept the move in the best interest of the movie.
In a statement, Fahadh has said that with a heavy heart, the director, producer, and all the technicians and remaining members decide for the OTT release for this great project. He also said every one of these projects has been provided to Malik and put in over a year together. Besides this recent OTT release planned for the home viewing start from the beginning, Malik was made up for the theatrical experience, and it was the only movie that he has ready while theatres would open with full strength.
He also said that this is just a collective decision, and he personally requests everyone to watch it in the best interest of the movie. With all of the honesty, he could not wait for a long time for the future to regain normalcy, but now each individual is battling to become normalcy with the respective space. In this, all that he could take responsibility for is for an appropriate fresh theatrical experience while he saw you all in the theatres in the next.
Release Date
This film is set to release on 15th July 2021.
Here is the trailer of the film: