Fahadh Faasil comes with a new film ‘Malayankunju‘ that’s running in theatres of Kerala, now it has been set to stream on the OTT platform. The film will hit on Amazon Prime Video. The actor declared it on his 39th birthday. In an important conversation with HT, the actor talked about what is actually prompting him to the survival thriller for the theatre’s alternative OTT.
Malayankunju already streaming on Amazon Prime Video, after Fahadh had seen the first cut, he launched it for limited theatrical release. On calling the decision ‘very artistic’ and not to be a commercial he speaks, “ If I had the option, I would release the first half on OTT and the second half in theatres. That’s how I saw it.
I thought the detailing of the film is very important. At least a theatrical experience would be very precious for the film, which is a musical and survival thriller. And also, Kerla was going through a phase where people were not getting very excited about films that didn’t have too much drama. So it was also testing the waters to see where we stand.”
The story of the film is based on Anikuttan aka Fahadh who is a bitter and also lonely man getting trapped underground after the landslide hits the village. The new tale unveils how he must get salvation in a child’s cries, the very sound that he hated rill the date before talking about such hardships of shooting the movie.
According to Fahadh, “The set was designed in such a way that an actor would feel a little claustrophobic while performing. It wasn’t an accessible set. You can’t just walk in. Every day we pumped in water, which rearranges everything. We had to pick it up from there. I have never seen an entire team going through such a difficult process to make a film. The DOP passing through many physical stresses and the director with mental stress. We had a doctor on set. It was an experience. I have not done anything like that before and I don’t know if I’d do anything like this again.”
Malayankunju: Cast
The film features Fahadh Fassil, Rajisha Vijayan, Deepak Parambol, Jadder Lukki, Johny Antony, Ninja, Indrans, Alex Alister, Arjun Ashokan, and Irshad Ali.
Malayankunju: Release Date
The film already streaming on Amazon Prime Video.
Here is the trailer: