Last month, Apple unveiled the new M2-equipped MacBook Air and MacBook Pro models. The 13-inch MacBook Pro maintains a similar appearance to its forerunner, but the MacBook Air has undergone a complete makeover. Like the 14-inch and 16-inch MacBook Pro versions, it now has a notch.
Apple’s M2 Pro and M2 Max Chips
The Cupertino company has only started designing its proprietary hardware, and the new M2 processor includes CPU and GPU improvements as well.
The enhanced M2 Pro and M2 Max MacBook Pro models may be introduced by Apple between the fall of 2022 and the spring of 2023, according to recent rumours. To read more information on the subject, scroll down.
The upcoming models will continue this trend and include an M2 Pro and M2 Max processor, similar to how the 14-inch and 16-inch models received an iteration of the M1 chip. Although there are currently few specifics available about the future chips, Gurman revealed that the M2 Pro and M2 Max chips will concentrate on the graphics side of things.
If confirmed, the M2 Pro and M2 Max chips will offer the same improvement over the M1 processor that the M2 chip does. Following the rumoured introduction between the fall of 2022 and the spring of 2023, we will learn more information about the new M2 Po and M2 Max MacBook Pro models.
MacBook Pro & MacBook Air
The dual NAND storage chip on the MacBook Air and MacBook Pro models was replaced by a single NAND chip, as we previously learned from the sources. As a result, the computers’ SSD benchmark speeds decreased. The single-core performance of the M2 chip was 11.56 percent quicker than the M1 chip, but the multi-core performance was up to 19.45 percent faster.
After launch, the M2 Pro and M2 Max CPUs in forthcoming MacBook Pro models are anticipated to follow the same trajectory as the M1 Pro and M1 Max chips. This indicates that users with heavy visual workloads will have a high demand for the devices. Gurman added that it is difficult to predict when Apple’s forthcoming MacBook Pro models will hit the stores because of the “continuing supply-chain problems.”
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