Loco, a leading independent esports and live streaming platform, recently conducted a massive gaming survey in India as part of the EY-FICCI Media & Entertainment Industry ‘Window of Opportunity Report 2023’.
Indians Will Pay for Gaming: EY-Loco Gamer Survey 2023 Reveals Strong Increase in Consumer Willingness to Pay for Gaming Subscriptions
With over 13,000 respondents from the Indian gaming community, this survey has become one of the most significant and comprehensive studies conducted in the industry to date. The survey sheds light on the evolving demographics and preferences of gamers, highlighting the growing demand for competitive gaming experiences and the potential for the industry to expand in India.
The survey also reveals that gaming is becoming the preferred entertainment format among Indians, with a willingness to pay for high-quality gaming experiences and in-app purchases.
Additionally, it shows the increasing popularity of Esports among Indian gamers, with a majority of respondents indicating their participation in Esports events and watching tournaments regularly. This survey provides valuable insights that can help game developers, advertisers, and investors better understand the Indian gaming market and drive business impact.
The full EY-Loco Gamer Survey can be downloaded from the EY-FICCI Media & Entertainment report here.