A well known tipster who goes by the name Abhishek Yadav, has revealed some images of an upcoming LG device named LG Q92 along with some specifications. The phone was also spotted in Geekbench, Google Play Console and other certifications revealing some of its specs earlier. This time the tipster has listed all the specs of the device this this time and has also mentioned that it might be available in India within October month.
Specifications of LG Q92
LG Q92 is said to sport a 6.7-inch FHD+ hole-punch display. It features a Qualcomm Snapdragon 765G processor paired with 6GB RAM and 128GB of storage. The sheet also suggests that the phone will come with LG Pay and a 4,000mAh battery.
The phone will have a quad-camera setup including a 48MP primary camera, an 8MP ultra-wide-angle camera, a 5MP depth sensor, and a 2MP macro camera. On the front, we will see a 32MP camera placed in the hole punch.
The LG Q92 is said to be available in Ceramic White, Mirror Titanium, and Mirror Red colour options. It is said to have a side-mounted fingerprint scanner and AI Sound Stereo speaker. The phone is 8.49mm thickness and weighs 193 grams.
The price of this phone is expected to be around $500, though this is not the final price but it will be somewhat near this.