If you are a fan of giant screens, you had a few options till now, including Samsung’s The Wall and Sony’s Crystal LED TVs. But now, LG announces a new lineup that will join the mentioned giant television category directly. The models will have Direct View LED (DVLED) displays, ranging from a 108-inch HD panel to 325-inch 8K panel. The highest one costs $1.7 million, as per CNET report, and weighs more than 2,000 pounds. LG is now taking out these reserved displays from commercial buyers to other users.
LG is using LEDs here, small enough in size, as individual subpixels, which is the toughest challenge though, to create the deepest black levels without the risk of burn-in. Anyways, the overall hardware is so big that it hardly fit any most of the normal houses.
In general, the screens offer 16:9 aspect ratio. But LG has 32:9 too to offer in case any consumer need to play two video feeds side by side. To get a rough idea about the pricing, LG’s most unique rollable OLED TV looks affordable beside this giant television.