League of Super-Pets is Dwayne Johnso’s upcoming animated film. Dwayne Johnson’s this upcoming animation film will reveal about a group of animals with superpowers and also has a Justice League cameo The story has followed by Krypto who is the Superdog, and also the loyal and faithful companion of Superman, on the journey to save the universes from all kind of dangers and also from the clinches of the sinister of the supervillain, Lex Luthor. For this thing, Krypto has made a team of unlikely heroes that will be the key to saving the world.
Krpto willl rescue Justice League
As the Justice League is become kidnapped and Krypto is seriously unable to rescue Superman. Now he starts to discover a group of animals in the local shelter, and after finding out all they become imbued with the superpowers that also has transformed them to the League of Super-Pets and proving Krypto to lead all of his very own team to rescue the entire Justice League.
Powers of Super-Pets
It is featuring Dwayne Johnson as the voice of Krypto, Kevin Hart as Act the Bat-hound, and also John Krasinki as Clark Kent/ Superman, this DC League animation film has taken the fans to the animated world of the largest heroes of DC and also their loving pets.
After releasing the trailer this DC League of Super-Pets has revealed the first look at Krypto’s animal companions, and also they fill with the powers like the super strength of the Dog, the super speed of the turtle, a squirrel who has the ability to shoot electricity, and there is a big who has grown very large, and the trailer also gives the quick cameo of classic Justice League characters like the Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Cyborg, and Batman.
Voice Cast
This DC League of Super pets also has contained such voice talents, Natasha Lyonne, as Merton, the Flash’s turtle, Diego Luna as Chip, Green Lantern’s Squirrel, and Vanessa Bayer as PB, The pig of Wonder Woman that has joined Krypto and Ace to their quest to protect the Justice League. The comedian Marc Maron as Lex Luthor, will also be featured with Ben Schwartz, Kate McKinnon, Thomas Middleditch, Jameela Jamil, and also Keanu Reeves in such undisclosed roles. It will be a fantastic animated film.
Here is the trailer:
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