Amazon Prime Video has released the teaser trailer of the upcoming Tamil film KARNAN. In this film, we will be going to see Dhanush in a lead role. This film is the second directional adaptation of Mari Selvaraj, who debuted Pariyerum Perumal in 2018.
Amazon Prime Video released an official teaser of Dhanush’s upcoming movie on Monday. It is a 2-minute long teaser containing a full power pack punch, but it does not reveal much. You don’t see any kind of action in the teaser, but you can sense the tornado of violence coming with Dhanush.
The teaser is mainly based on a war bugle, just like it claims the presence of the oppressed, Karnan. Dhanush plays it. In the teaser, you will see the entry of Dhanush like the old times as he comes with riding the horse holding a sword just like ready for a battle. We will also see the entry of Dhanush in a south Indian style.
The teaser has made with metaphors of folk art that gads a lot of depth to the teaser. It comes to know that Karnan will be the first theatrical release of Dhanush since Pattas; everyone is waiting for his long-awaited movie to see him on screen.
We have seen him in the film Jagame Thandhiram which was released on Netflix. The producer of the film S. Sashikanth of Y Not Studios has declared last time about the Netflix release of the film.
Kalaipuli S Thanu produces it; Karnan is featuring with Dhanush and also have some co-stars like Rajisha Vijaya, Lakshmi Priya Chndramoui, Gouri Kishan, Lal, and Yogi Babu in the supporting role.
Release date
Amazon Prime Video has confirmed that this film will be released on 14th May 2021. At first, Karnan was released in theatres on 9th April. After lockdown restrictions, 50% cap on occupancy, all the filmmakers decided to release it on theatre before OTT.
The credit goes to Dhanush, who was very excited to protect his movie-watching experience. After the worse condition of the coronavirus situation, all the Tamil movie makers skipped the skipped theatrical release and started releasing their film on streaming platforms.
Here is the teaser of the film: