After the recent violent incident involving Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, who was stabbed multiple times during a home invasion at his Mumbai residence, now comedian Kapil Sharma, actor Rajpal Yadav, choreographer Remo D’Souza, and singer Sugandha Mishra, have reportedly received death threats via email. The emails, allegedly originating from Pakistan, have prompted swift action from Mumbai Police, who have registered an FIR and initiated an investigation into the matter.
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Threatening Emails to Kapil Sharma and Rajpal Yadav
On December 14, 2024, Rajpal Yadav received an email from an individual identifying themselves as “Bishnu.” The message, sent from the address to, contained explicit threats against Kapil Sharma, his family, associates, and Yadav himself. The sender demanded a response within eight hours, warning of severe personal and professional consequences if ignored.
The email stated, “We are monitoring your recent activities and we believe it is important that we bring to your attention a sensitive matter. This is not a publicity stunt or an attempt to harass you; we urge you to treat this message with the utmost seriousness and confidentiality.”
Police Response and Investigation
In response to the threats, Radha Rajpal Yadav, Rajpal’s wife, filed a complaint at Mumbai’s Amboli Police Station on December 17. The police have registered a case under Section 351(3) of the Indian Penal Code, which pertains to the threat of harm. Preliminary investigations have traced the IP address of the threatening email to Pakistan, leading authorities to seek assistance from the government for further correspondence with Pakistani officials.
Reactions from the Celebrities
Kapil Sharma, known for his wit and humor, has not publicly commented on the incident. He recently concluded the second season of his Netflix show, ‘The Great Indian Kapil Show,’ and releasing his latest single titled ‘Guilt’. Given the severity of the threats, Kapil and his family are expected to receive police protection to ensure their safety.
Rajpal Yadav recently seen in Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3, acknowledged the situation in a statement to NDTV, saying, “I have filed a complaint with Amboli Police and the cyber crime department. After that, I haven’t discussed it with anyone. I am an artist and I want to entertain the audience with my performances. The agencies can update on these matters.”
Contrarily, Lizelle D’Souza, wife of Remo D’Souza, dismissed the reports of death threats as false, stating that they were merely spam emails received on their company email ID. She clarified that they reported the matter to the police, and the cyber department is investigating, believing it to be spam.
Singer Mika Singh reacted to the news on Instagram, sharing a story that dared the death threateners, stating, “Please mujhe bhi bhejo (Please send it to me as well)”, along with laughter emojis.
Ongoing Investigation
The Mumbai Police are actively investigating the source of these threats. Initial inquiries suggest that the emails may have originated from Pakistan. Authorities are coordinating with cybercrime experts to trace the IP address and identify the individual behind the alias ‘Bishnu’. Ensuring the safety of the targeted celebrities remains a top priority as the investigation progresses.
Has Kapil Sharma received any security protection?
Yes, Kapil Sharma and his family are being considered for police protection due to the threats.
Who sent death threats to Kapil Sharma and Rajpal Yadav
The death threats to Kapil Sharma and Rajpal Yadav were allegedly sent by an individual or group using the name “BISHNU.” They were traced to an IP address believed to be located in Pakistan. The sender warned the celebrities of the consequences if they didn’t respond within 8 hours.