JBL has launched three new speakers in India, the latest audible devices from the brand include the PartyBox 710, the PartyBox 110, and the PartyBox Encore Essential. All three audio systems feature a powerful sound output and deliver an immersive audio experience. Let us take a look at the detailed specifications of the speakers.
JBL PartyBox 710, 110, and Encore Essential speakers configurations:
The PartyBox 710 and 110 arrive with a similar cylindrical shape design and a customizable light show with up to five different lighting modes, the Encore Essential is a small portable speaker with a square-shaped box form. It has a dynamic fun light show along with a cool strobe effect that syncs to the beat of the music, all three speakers carry an IPX4 splash-proof rating.
The PartyBox 710 has a functional grip handle and it is easy to carry, it also has durable wheels which make it portable. The PartyBox 710 can produce 800W sound output and it has two 2.75″ tweeters and 8″ subwoofers. The 110 on the other hand has an output of 160W while the Encore Essential delivers an output of 100W.
All three audio systems support JBL’s original Pro sound technology and these speakers arrive with support for true wireless stereo features that can link two devices via Bluetooth for a bigger and better stereo sound. The PartyBox 710 and 110 have microphone and guitar input support as well.
All three speakers can be controlled via the PartyBox app, the PartyBox 110 has an integrated rechargeable battery with support for up to 12 hours of playback, and the Encore Essential portable speaker delivers 6 hours of audio support.
In terms of pricing, the JBL PartyBox 710 retails for Rs.64,999, and the PartyBox 110 and Encore Essential are priced at Rs.31,999, and Rs.25,499 respectively. You can head over here to purchase the speakers if you are interested!
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