The Jammu and Kashmir government has announced on Saturday that it will be launching 200 electric buses that are equipped with state-of-art facilities including a real-time tracking function. These electric buses will be made available in both the capital cities of the union territory as per an official.
The decision of the government to introduce these eco-friendly buses in Jammu and Srinagar aims at reducing air and noise pollution and dependency on fossil fuels. It also looks to provide better facilities to the common man. These buses will be procured under the second phase of the central scheme Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Hybrid and EV (FAME II). PTI has reported that tenders for this have also been floated.
These electric buses will feature modern functions such as a real-time passenger information system or PIS, panic buttons for emergencies, autobus vehicle location system, CCTV cameras, public address systems, stop request buttons, and online collection of fares via mediums.
“The electric bus service will encourage commuters to shift towards the public transport system,” said the official. The Intelligent Transport Management System of these electric buses will be connected with the Integrated Command and Control Centre of Jammu Smart City Limited and Srinagar Smart City Limited at the same time.
Officials have mentioned that the Jammu and Kashmir Road Transport Corporation will be rolling out the ITMS by April 30th and in the first phase, online ticket booking facilities will be offered.
An online monitoring platform will also be created at the city level for these EVs to monitor parameters such as running kilometres, equivalent fuel saved in litres per day, and equivalent carbon dioxide reduction per day.
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