Jackky Bhagnani, to Sell Pooja Entertainment’s 7-Story Office Amid Financial Crisis Following ‘BMCM’ Flop to Settle Rs 250 Crore Debt. Jackky Bhagnani’s production company faces financial difficulties. According to reports, the company’s office has been sold to a developer.
Actor and producer Jackky Bhagnani is currently dealing with financial difficulties. Recently, his production company has been accused of not paying its crew members. In the latest development, media reports indicate that Pooja Entertainment’s Mumbai office has been sold to address these financial issues. The sale of the 7-floor office is expected to help repay a Rs 250 crore loan. The production company run by Jackky Bhagnani and his father Vasu Bhagnani, will reportedly now operate from a two-room flat in Juhu.
Jackky Bhagnani, to Sell Pooja Entertainment’s 7-Story Office
According to reports, Jackky’s father has sold the seven-story office to a developer. The transaction details, including the sale amount and the builder’s identity, remain undisclosed. There are also rumors that the office will be demolished to make way for a residential project.
Recent films produced by Pooja Entertainment have not performed well at the box office. The latest release, ‘Bade Miyan Chote Miyan,’ was a significant flop, reducing staff in April. The film had a substantial budget of Rs 350 crore but only earned Rs 59.17 crore, resulting in considerable losses for the company. Other films from Pooja Entertainment, such as ‘Bell Bottom,’ ‘Mission Raniganj,’ and ‘Ganpath,’ also failed to succeed at the box office.
Bollywood’s Budget Crisis: Are High Fees and Low Returns Putting the Industry at Risk?
While big-budget Bollywood films like “Bade Miyan Chote Miyan” and “Maidaan” have struggled at the global box office, smaller-budget movies such as “Laapataa Ladies” and “12th Fail” have become major hits. This disparity sheds light on a significant issue: the imbalance between the high demands of actors and their teams and the actual returns they generate for filmmakers.
Film Trade Analyst Sumit Kadel addressed this in a recent tweet, stating, “The film industry is facing a crisis. Movies that should cost 60-70 crore are being made for 120-150 crore due to exorbitant star fees, director fees, and overhead costs. Meanwhile, regional industries are producing films of equal or better quality for a fraction of the cost (20-40 crore). If this trend continues, many production houses and distributors will be forced to shut down. It’s time for a major correction in the Hindi film industry to ensure sustainability and profitability.”