Karnataka’s Nandini Milk Company is set to sponsor the ISL for the 2024-25 season. As revealed by several reports, the company’s logo and imagery will be visible throughout the tournament. The contract signed between the two parties also includes 300 seconds of TV and OTT exposure.
The brand was in the news a while ago for sponsoring the Scotland and Ireland during the Cricket World Cup as a homegrown brand. The Karnataka Milk Federation, which owns the Nandini brand, recently floated a tender for the brand’s imagery to be managed throughout the tournament.
Karnataka Milk Federation’s Nandini to sponsor ISL 2024-25 season
Karnataka Milk Federation (KMF)'s dairy brand – 'Nandini' have decided to be the sponsors of Indian Super League 🤩
— 90ndstoppage (@90ndstoppage) September 2, 2024
The contract will include central sponsorship with branding on dugouts, LED boards, in-stadia kiosks and exposure on broadcast and LIVE streams 🔥#90ndstoppage pic.twitter.com/Gm5g602UAf
Karnataka Milk Federation (KMF) Managing Director MK Jagadish told Hindustan Times, “We are planning for central sponsorship of the upcoming ISL football tournament.” The contract reportedly includes LED boards, presentation backdrops, dugout areas, and 300 seconds of TV and OTT exposure.
The ISL season begins on September 21, with 13 teams competing over the better part of a year. The teams will have a near three-week break after the conclusion of the 2024 Durand Cup, which was won by NorthEast United.