In 2015, it was said for the first time that a remake of Final Fantasy will appear at Sony’s E3 2015. The remake finally resurfaced at E3 2019 and Square Enix disclosed the FF7 remake’s launch date for PS4. The remake is available now for PS4 and PS5, but there is still remaining an official confirmation for the PC version.
Upgraded Version for PS5
Square Enix came up with a new trailer on February 25 for Final Fantasy 7 Remake Integrate, which is an updated version of the game for the PS5. A graphical improvement has been integrated which might make the PC version easier.
Release Date
The FF 7 Remake was released on April 10, 2020, for PS4, and on June 10, 2021, for PS5. There is still no confirmation whether the PC version will be launched or not. But we know that FF 15launched on consoles in November 2016 and launched for PC in March 2018.
A Bit Different Story in the Remake
The director Tetsuya Nomura said in an interview, “we’re not intending for this to become a one-to-one remake or just the original Final Fantasy 7 with better graphics. I want to make it so it’s relevant to the modern era, as well as having an element of surprise.” He added, “I don’t want to change it so much that it’s unrecognizable, but make sure that it’s something fresh and new [yet still] recognizable as FF7.”
Will The FF 7 Remake Come to PC?
No, the FF 7 Remake is not coming to PC. Square Enix has informed, that it has no plans for other platforms. Games like FF 15, Dragon Quest Builders, and FF 12 got their PC versions many months later, although there are few games that never made their way to PC like the first Dragon Quest Builders.
The First Reveal Trailer
The Final Fantasy 7 Remake trailer was released in 2015 for the first time which hadn’t come up with many details, but still, it was pretty good. Also, do you remember the final lines? “For they are coming back. At last, the promise has been made.”
For now, let’s hope that after this first episode, Final Fantasy 7 comes to PC at the same time.