The iQOO Neo 10 series, which was unveiled in China towards the end of last month, brought a bunch of premium hardware. This was followed by the launch of the iQOO 13 flagship in India, one of the first smartphones to adopt the Snapdragon 8 Elite chipset. Well-known tipster DigitalChatStation has now leaked the expected specs and release timeline for an upcoming iQOO phone. The exact name hasn’t been confirmed, but it is believed to be the iQOO Z10 Turbo.
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iQOO Z10 Turbo specs leaked: Snapdragon 8s Elite, 7000mAh battery, 144Hz display, launching in 2025
As per the tip, the phone will have a new unnamed SM8735 chipset, which could be the Snapdragon 8s Elite. If true, the iQOO Z10 Turbo will mark a big upgrade over the iQOO Z9 Turbo, which came with the Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 chip. It will have a 144Hz 1.5K straight screen which delivers smoothness and great experience for games. It will also screen via eye protection technology, which may help reduce strain from excessive usage.
For optics, the Z10 Turbo is likely to feature a dual-camera system on the rear, led by a 50MP main sensor. That would be quite the upgrade — especially in a mid-range device. Battery wise, the device is tipped to feature a high capacity 7000mAh+ single-cell silicon battery with 80W/90W fast charging, making it likely to have an upper hand in this aspect as well in the competition. This is in accordance to recent news suggesting that various smartphone makers, like iQOO, OnePlus, and Redmi, are developing smartphones with mammoth 7000mAh batteries for 2025.
There is no official date or month yet for the launch, but the device is expected in 2025. The model launched in China a few months ago — the iQOO Z9 Turbo — was never introduced in India, so it’s possible the Z10 Turbo might take a similar route. However, it is still uncertain whether it will be launched in India. As more information becomes available, we will continue to monitor the situation.
What chipset will the iQOO Z10 Turbo use?
The iQOO Z10 Turbo is expected to feature the Snapdragon 8s Elite chipset.
When is the iQOO Z10 Turbo expected to launch?
The iQOO Z10 Turbo is expected to launch in 2025.