iQOO India, a premium smartphone brand, has partnered with renowned Gaming content creator Mithilesh Pattanker, popularly known as Mythpat, as jury member for its Chief Gaming Officer (CGO) hunt. Alongside iQOO’s leadership team, Mythpat will join forces with the brand to evaluate and select talented GenZ gamers from across India, offering them a chance to become iQOO’s first Chief Gaming Officer and earn INR 10 Lakhs.
Mythpat, a skilled gamer and content creator, kickstarted his journey by sharing entertaining videos on his YouTube channel, showcasing gameplay from popular titles like PUBG and GTA 5. With a staggering subscriber base of over 13 million, Mythpat has established himself as a prominent figure in the gaming community, crafting engaging content that combines humor and storytelling. He is also renowned for being the only Indian to ever get nominated and win the Streamy Awards 2021.
Alongside iQOO’s leadership team, Mythpat will serve as a jury member and will evaluate contestants throughout the three rounds based on various criteria. The ultimate winner will seize a one-of-a-kind opportunity to collaborate with iQOO’s esteemed team, connect with top gamers in the nation, and join a thriving community of gaming enthusiasts across the country.
iQOO names Mythpat, Renowned Gaming Content Creator as Jury for its first Chief Gaming Officer Selection
Expressing his enthusiasm as a jury member, Mythpat shared, “I am thrilled to be a part of iQOO’s hunt, where we will witness the convergence of India’s massive youth population and the booming gaming industry. It’s truly incredible to see how gaming has grown in our country and the opportunities young gamers are now being presented with. I eagerly await the chance to meet and engage with exceptionally talented gamers across the industry with iQOO. Let the competition begin, and may the best gamer win!”
Nipun Marya, CEO of iQOO India, expressed his delight in welcoming Mythpat as a valued jury member for iQOO’s CGO Hunt. Marya conveyed, “We are thrilled to have Mythpat on board as a jury member for iQOO’s CGO Hunt. His remarkable talent and unwavering passion for gaming are truly admirable.
Mythpat’s discerning judgments will undoubtedly take the CGO Hunt to the next level. This collaboration will also provide budding gamers in the industry with an exceptional opportunity to gain first-hand experience and forge meaningful connections within India’s gaming landscape.”
iQOO is committed to empowering the youth and enabling Gen Z to showcase their boundless passion for gaming skills. iQOO, with its leadership team, is providing the position of Chief Gaming Officer to gamers under the age of 25 to work with top gamers across India. This prestigious position not only promises an unparalleled opportunity for personal growth and learning but also unlocks the gateway to forge impactful collaborations with seasoned gamers.
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