The iQOO 3 was launched almost a month back, it also arrived in India soon after the launch. The iQOO is a sub-brand of Vivo. The phone was one of the first devices in India to feature both Snapdragon 865 and 5G. Within a month the company is here again with a very interesting video for its fans.
The video we are talking about here shows that the company has used iQOO 3 as the break-pads of BMW 530Li car. The car is made to drive freely in the track acquiring a considerable speed then after applying break the full friction and pressure fall on the devices which are fitted as the brake pads of that car. After checking we saw that the phones were quite worn out but luckily they survived and were working.
Specification of iQOO 3:
- 8/12 GB RAM
- 128/256 GB ROM
- 16.36 cm (6.44 inch) Full HD+ Display
- 48MP + 13MP + 13MP + 2MP Rear camera
- 16MP Front Camera
- 4440 mAh Li-ion Battery
- Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 Processor
- 5G variant
- 55 W Super Flash Charge
iQOO 3 is available in three different colour options i.e. Quantum Silver, Tornado Black, and Volcano Orange in India. There are three different storage options available as well for this device i.e. 8GB | 128GB (Rs.38,990), 8GB | 256GB (Rs.41,990) and 12GB | 256GB (Rs.46,990).