The IPL Media Rights 2023-27 e-auction is now closed. The BCCI has made a massive Rs 48,390 crore from the sale of rights, as projected. The broadcasting rights were acquired by Disney-Star. In Package C, Viacom18 was awarded digital rights as well as non-exclusive rights.
IPL Media Rights Tender: The overview
Package A: Disney Star was paid 23,575 crores for it.
Package B: Viacom was awarded the package for a sum of 20,500 crores.
Package C: Viacom paid Rs 3,273 crore for this NON-EXCLUSIVE package.
Package D: Overseas TV and Digital Rights is a Rs 1324 crore joint venture between Viacom18 and Times Internet. The regions of Australia, South Africa, and the United Kingdom were awarded to Viacom18, while MENA and the United States were awarded to Times Internet.
Auction Highlights
The BCCI has collected Rs 48,390 crore in total from the four packages.
Disney-Star paid Rs 23,575 crore for Package A Broadcast rights, nearly twice the amount they paid last time for digital and broadcasting rights combined.
For digital rights, Viacom paid a hefty Rs 20,500 crore.
Broadcast and digital rights were sold together the last time they were auctioned.
Viacom also won the non-exclusive Package C for 98 matches for Rs 3,273 crore.
The initial price for each match was Rs 15 crore, but it ended up costing Rs 33.40 crore per game.
Package D MENA & US territories have been acquired by Times Internet.