The second day of the Tata IPL Mega Auction took place on February 13. On Day 1, only 74 players including 20 overseas players were sold on Day 1 of the mega Auction 2022 and 10 teams all together still needed 143 players to get 25 players in total.
The second and final day of the Tata IPL 2022 Mega Auction is here and since only 74 players including 20 overseas were sold on Dy-1 of the IPL Mega Auction 2022, the 10 teams still need 143 players in total to get a maximum of 25 players in their squad.
Hugh Eadmeades’s comeback
Hugh Eadmeades had fallen in the mid-way through IPL day 1 but made a comeback that made him appreciated by everyone.
After suffering an unfortunate fall mid-way through the IPL auction on day 1, Hugh Edmeads made a return on day 2 amid a rousing round of applause.
On Day 1, Punjab Kings and Royal CHallengers Bangalore had got into a bidding war for Sri Lankan player Wanidu Hasaranga but all of a sudden, Edmeades collapsed to the floor.
Charu Sharma replaced Hugh Edmeads on day 1 and did a good job there. Charu Sharma chipped with his expertise and nobody could find a single error in his auctioneering.
On the 2nd day of the Mega Auction, Edmeads had made a surprise comeback into the auction and conducted the auction for a while.
Fans on Twitter could not hold their excitement and they enjoyed the comeback of Hugh Eadmeades.
Here’s how Twitterati reacted to the news
Cricket definitely can bring all the emotions together.
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