Apple’s iPhone 13 Pro has bagged the fourth position in DXOMARK’s global camera ranking with an overall score of 137. The handset beats the iPhone 12 Pro Max by seven points and sits behind the likes of Huawei Mate 40 Pro+ (139), Mi 11 Ultra (143), and Huawei P50 Pro (144). The iPhone 13 mini has achieved 130 points to take the 10th spot. iPhone 13 Pro Max again getting the fourth sport in the ultra-premium rankings. The top spot overall is held by Huawei P50 Pro.
According to the latest rankings by DxOMark, iPhone 13 Pro has scored an impressive 137 points in the main camera and 99 points in the selfie camera reviews while iPhone 13 mini scored 130 points in the main camera and 99 points in the selfie camera reviews. The former ranks fourth on the global scale with the latter getting in the top 10 rankings. This is due to the fact that Apple has employed the same sensors in iPhone 13 and iPhone 13 mini as the iPhone 12 Pro series.
Breaking down the scores for iPhone 13 Pro, it scored 144 points in photo testing, 76 points in zoom testing, and 119 points in video testing. The benchmarking website says, “Like for all iPhones colour rendering is vivid with nice skin tones and a slightly warm touch and the camera is generally very reliable.” Due to multiple improvements in key areas, an excellent video score of 119 puts the iPhone 13 Pro at the top of this sub-ranking.
iPhone 13 mini ranking shows that it has scored as much as last year’s iPhone 12 Pro Max. DxOMark has again listed a bunch of pros and cons for the smartphone’s camera. The pros comprise accurate target exposure, nice colours, and white balance along with fast, accurate, and repeatable focus. Cons for iPhone 13 mini’s camera are somewhat similar to the cons of iPhone 13 Pro’s camera.
The iPhone 13 mini model scored 138 pints in photo testing, 55 points in zoom, and 117 points in video testing. DxOMark says that the overall “camera performance is, except for tele zoom, very close to the larger and more expensive iPhone 13 Pro and even better than last year’s top-end iPhone device, the iPhone 12 Pro Max.”