According to reports, Apple will upgrade two iPad Pro models’ displays from mini-LED to OLED starting in 2024. The technology giant has reportedly begun development, but the upcoming tablets’ panels will be very different from those used in iPhones.
There have been a tonne of posts about April Fool’s Day, particularly in the technology sector, but it appears that ShrimpApplePro is not pulling any tricks because he gives an update on Apple’s upcoming iPad Pro models. It appears that four prototype tablets with displays between 11 and 13 inches are currently being developed.
The figure “13” is probably just the tipster rounding it off because the larger version is most likely the 12.9-inch model of iPad Pro.
But it’s not believed that Apple will use the same flexible OLED technology that it does for its iPhones. Instead, it will switch to rigid OLED screens, which are the brittle version for its iPad Pro models. The use of these displays in high-end smartphones, including Google’s Pixel 6 and Pixel 7 lineup, is not unheard of in the industry. Although rigid OLED technology has the advantage of being easier to mass produce, there have been reports of users having poor viewing angles.
In Apple’s case, it has been rumoured that hybrid OLED technology will be used on the iPad Pro models to prevent a “wrinkled” appearance. The tech behemoth is rumoured to have teamed up with Samsung to mass produce these devices’ two-stack tandem OLED panels, which will increase their cost but give them a longer lifespan. ShrimpApplePro’s tweet contains some unclear details, but he does mention that these panels won’t have an outer glass.
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