According to the latest reports, AMD’s overall share of the x86 CPU market has been steadily increasing. And over the last few years, the company has made incredible gains reaching up to 22.5 per cent which is the highest since the Athlon 64 days. However, to gain this footing, AMD has reportedly sacrificed some of its share in the desktop market and focused primarily on the manufacture of server and mobile processors along with custom APUs for consoles.
It’s no surprise that AMD is smashing Intel at every turn and its growth in the server market is mainly because of it stealing the market underneath Intel’s feet. Even after Intel started offering discounts on several of its 11th and 10th generation offerings, Amazon’s best-selling charts are still dominated by offerings of AMD and Epyc processors are stealing Xeon’s thunder in the data centre as well.
To add fuel to the fire, the latest data report coming from Mercury Research states that AMD has captured 22.5 per cent of the overall x86 market in the second quarter of this year. This level is the highest which the company has managed to achieve since 2007 and close to its peak of 25.3 per cent achieved in 2006.
The report further claims that AMD has slipped a bit in terms of desktop CPU market share, resulting in its decline from 19.3 per cent in the first quarter to a little over 17 per cent in the second quarter. This was mainly because, AMD decided to prioritize sales of flagship CPUs, which sell in lower quantities. This was decided after carefully considering the impact of CPU shortages on the company’s market status.
On the other, since intel depends on itself for the manufacture of its chips, the company has not been affected by the chip shortage as severely as AMD has been. This has allowed the blue team to gain back some of the market shares it lost to AMD. However, AMD is raking in profits, with its increased shipments of mobile and server CPUs, as well as custom chipsets for consoles like the Xbox Series S/X and the PlayStation 5.