Intel’s upcoming Core i9-11900K flagship CPU has once again been spotted on the Ashes of The Singularity benchmark. But this time, quite interestingly, it was compared with the Core i9-10900K. The Core i9-11900K, which is a part of the Rocket Lake Desktop lineup, will be aiming to reclaim the gaming throne from AMD. Intel’s rival has achieved superb performance increments with its latest Zen 3 based Ryzen 5000 line of processors.
The Core i9-11900K is going to feature eight cores and 16 threads. It will include 16 MB of L3 cache (2 MB per core) and 4 MB of L2 cache (512 KB per core). The CPU will be running at base frequencies of 3.5 GHz, but for boost, the CPU will run at a maximum boost clock of 5.2 GHz (1-core) while the all-core boost frequency will be maintained at 4.8 GHz.
According to sources, the Core i9-11900K will feature lower cores and threads than the Intel Core i9-10900K. it is reported to be due to the backporting of Cypress Cove on the refined 14nm process node. The CPU will have a power limit of 125W, which is standard for a flagship Intel SKU and the 2nd stage power limit or PL2 is rated at 250W.
According to the benchmark, the Intel Core i9-11900K delivered up to 62.8 FPS on average within Ashes of The Singularity benchmark running at 1080p and the Crazy preset. Reports indicate that the platform was running at 32 GB of DDR4 memory and was using an RTX 2080 Ti graphics card. When compared to the Core i9-10900K, the Core i9-11900K Rocket Lake chip shows a 9% performance improvement.