Intel unveiled its Tiger Lake-H series at CES 2021. As reports indicate that the Core i7-11375H Special Edition will be featured in laptops such as the MSI Stealth 15, Asus TUF Dash F15, and more. Since the Asus TUF Dash F15 laptop will feature the Core i7-11375H Special Edition some leaked benchmarks of the Core i7-11375H have been spotted on the Internet.
The leaked benchmark details of the Core i7-11375H’s appeared in Cinebench R15 and R20 single-core. The Core i7-11375H scores 236 points in Cinebench R15 single-core and 605 points in Cinebench R20 single-core. When the results are compared with the Core i7-10750H, they are about 11 and 19% higher. The score of Core i7-11375H is 23% higher than the Core i7-10750H in Master Lu’s CPU benchmark.
Compared to the Ryzen 7 4800HS’ performance, the Core i7-11375H is about 25.5% faster in Cinebench R20 single and nearly 27% faster in Cinebench R15 single. Intel announced at CES that the Core i7-11375H beat the Ryzen 7 4800HS and the Ryzen 9 4900H by nearly 30% in single-core performance.
But no matter what the details released about the performance are just the leaks and not the actual performance of the processor. That being said, it will be interesting to see how Tiger Lake-H35 fares against the new Ryzen 5000 H-series upgrade from AMD. We will have to wait till January 26 to get more concrete numbers.